
View, Upload & Download

The corpus of the database is structured around levels. This means if you are teaching intermediate level high school students, you are looking for materials that are not just topical, but level and content-appropriate. 

GETMAPP also has topical collections and allow for AATG Groups to use the platform for distribution of their materials.  This is a work in progress starting in September 2020. TO make the project better, contribute your materials today. We have curators who will sort and determine the best place for the materials. As a teacher, you can comment on the materials by logging into the account. 

We need your help! Upload your materials here by level: They will be edited and sorted. 


Do you have materials designed for K-12 German Instruction? Submit them through this link!

Questions for K-12-Level Materials:



Do you have materials designed for Undergraduate Instruction? Submit them through this link!

Questions for University-Level Materials:


For the entire database, visit: (Work in progress, follow along! Please note, you may use the GETMAPP database without an account. However, if you sign up for a free account you can comment on materials and save them to a personal folder)


Contribute all other materials to GETMAPP with the form below.

Files Submitted will be reviewed by an editorial team and posted in the appropriate section.